Apples to Oranges...
or is this?

Creating  'Image' for Cleaning Companies
Since 2004

Cleaning service owners need and deserve vendors who know their business.

 Our experience in the cleaning industry allows us to provide solutions and options that other website and logo design companies are not able to relate to let alone deliver.  We know your in and outs and the concerns you face everyday and that allows us to customize services to what you really need and take over on the items we know you don't have time for.  When you deal with us YOU are the there is  something a cleaning business owner doesn't get to hear everyday so, we'll say it again...Today You Are The Customer!

  Cleaning Company Website Design



Even in a down economy many cleaning businesses are thriving
--more than a few of them are our customers! 
Our Cleaning Business Website Design Portfolio

Cleaning Company Logo Design


Our Cleaning and Janitorial Logo Design Portfolio 




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We make new companies appear more established and established companies to shine above their competition!

Cleaning company website and logo designAre you a small or start up cleaning business that is almost hesitant to market because you are still working out of your car? Every company started somewhere!

You wouldn’t be here reading over our services if you weren’t serious about developing an image.

We are here to do just that for you AND we are going to do such a great job that you will be providing a testimonial like one of the below within the next year! 

Or... maybe you are an established commercial cleaning company that is ready to polish up your business image and redefine your company as you move toward larger revenue accounts.

Consider yourself covered! Our knowledge of janitorial and what really appeals to building managers will give you a competitive edge in your service area....Your stylish, informative, convenient and no-fluff website will be your company's online presentation and it will even coordinate with that great tie you've been wearing on bid walks lately!

Or... maybe you are a professional residential cleaning company looking for yet another way to set your company apart from the cleaning ladies who advertise for $8 an hour.

We Completely Understand your market and your competitors.

We are here to help you convey to your potential customers, the differences and benefits of using a legitimate and professional maid company.  

Or maybe you plateaud and got a little too comfortable with things running [almost] smooth so you slacked on the marketing.

We'll get you revved back up about the business with a fresh look and some of the technological advances that are industry friendly.

When you hit the ground running with your re-born interest and motivation it is sure to radiate thru to your staff, clients and all those new clients you'll be bringing on board! 

Or...maybe you are second guessing your decision to go specialty.  And now you are wondering if you limited yourself too much.

Specializing is a good thing, after all we did it.

Your market is out there, you just need a little help reaching out and getting yourself recognized. Let's get you rolling with a great image and a few of the other tried and true tricks we have up our sleeve to get your phone ringing and your calendar pleasantly full!

Or...possibly you started out slow. You regulated your growth because you were still working your full time job.

Now that the business has taken shape and you are jumping in full time you need to step the marketing up. That's what we are here for.

Let's get you set up with a website, showcase what you have been building and watch you take off as you begin the future of your company.

Or...maybe you are like the dozens of other people we speak with each week.

You have or are starting a cleaning business; You want a website; You are considering a logo. You aren't sure where to start and whether or not you should pay someone to do this stuff.

Well, welcome to We built our business to take care of your business and free up your time so you can do what you do best--tell everyone you meet about your company!



From Our Customers

We were advertising in a "Be Local" coupon book, and the lady from the book actually called us and accused us of being a national company, just because Christy's website was so awesome. We managed to convince her that we just have a website genius friend...
Laura Smith, All Star Cleaning, Colorado


Spending a few hundred dollars every month on pay per clicks or directory listings?

Let me put a couple thousand dollars or more back to your bottom line this year and still get you better results than you are seeing now.

Our effective systems are specific to the cleaning industry, affordable, and time and again....proven.